13. Looking forwards to eternity and beyond

The Prayer Garden is a podcast from St Peter’s Bethnal Green to help you meet with God and pray for the world.

Reading – Revelation 21.
Music – “Equinox” by Kevin Graham.
Prayer - A Prayer adapted from “The day that He returns” by Evan Wickham.


Beyond the borders of the soul, there flows a river fast and free
It rushes in swallows whole and carries loved ones out to sea
with broken hearts and faith filled eyes help us search for hope behind the hurt
Oh Lord, lead us as we grieve, believing we will see the day that You return

Though in this moment we may weep, the grave is not the final word
The song that spread the skies will make our bodies rise, the day that You return

I know the pain will fade away and peace will rule the years
But I need you now to help me see farther than the tears. 

Creation waits with baited breath for heaven’s heart to be revealed 
When all your children rise from death, and all the universe is healed
Your family from everywhere will gather in the open air 
To welcome Jesus home, his fire in our bones, the day that He returns 
United with our own to know as we are known, 
Oh how our Spirits yearn for the day that you return.


We are an eclectic church community at the heart of East London which worships Jesus in scripture, Spirit, and the sacraments. We hope to be a safe haven to whoever steps through our doors.

Although our church building is currently closed, we hope that we can meet you in many ways, including through this podcast.

Find us on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.