Church Ceiling Fundraising Appeal
Over the next four months we will be spending £200,000 to replace the whole of the asbestos ceiling in our church building.
What is not covered by insurance will be made up by a generous donation and loan from the Diocese of London. The amount of the loan is £20,000, which we will need to pay back over the next two years.
Will you pray with us that our Father in heaven will provide all that we need, according to His riches in glory*? Paying off the £20,000 loan will free up our church family funds for our core business of worshiping God, making friends and changing the world.
If you are in a position to help repay the loan, then we would love to hear from you, or you can quietly donate in the your usual way or through the website.
Skydive/Bake Sale/Silent Disco?
If you are inspired to undertake a fundraising activity of any kind to help repay the loan, do get in touch! We’d love to hear from you.
Contact either or
*Philippians 4 v 19